Buy Your Tickets Now!

Buy Your Tickets Now!

Choose your tickets, between General, VIP, and VVIP Tickets to the 42nd IRAWMA.

These are special, limited time only prices through Cyber Monday, so get them now while you can! VIP gets priority seating before general admission, gets to walk the red carpet and be part of the reception, and will get an opportunity to mingle and interact with celebrities, and earlier arrival of 6PM. VVIP inherits all of the benefits of VIP, but is closer to the stage. General Admission arrival is 7PM. 

All ticket purchases are final and non-refundable.

Hotel/Awards V-VIP Packages

Hotel/Awards V-VIP Packages

Packages available in Single and Double Room selections, from 1 to 3 nights each. 

All purchases are final and non-refundable.